I'm a full week late posting this. And I really didn't want to post it now. I only took pictures two days that week, so all my pictures are from those two days. And they were all from my phone, not my camera. I have lost most of my motivation to bother with pictures. We haven't been doing much, so there's nothing "new" to capture on camera. Only one or two people even bother looking at this, so it certainly doesn't seem worth the effort, but then I don't want to have a 3/4 done project. So I'm trying to do better, and have slightly this past week. We'll see if I can get more motivated in the weeks to come!
We got this neat set of bubbles that are thicker and supposedly easy to catch and hold. The kids enjoyed playing with them - although the wind did make them a little difficult to get!
A bubble stuck to Shelby's face!
Cheyenne holding some bubbles.
Paige being goofy!
Paige and Cheyenne with their bubbles.
Cheyenne and Clayton's alligator they build at the library's first homeschool Lego WeDo program. They dramatically underestimated how many homeschoolers would show up for this event, so they didn't have the class that was supposed to happen, but the kids enjoyed building and programming anyway!
Cheyenne even got in on the programming part and enjoyed watching it work!
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