Last night the girls all participated in our American Heritage Troop's Messy Game Night. Our coordinator and her husband planned and set up the games and they surely did not disappoint! My girls got messier than last year - BY FAR - and we all had a great time!
Shelby being grumpy at first. She doesn't take to doing things in groups well - without Mommy by her side. So she ended up not being put on a team. She warmed up and joined in a little later.
Paige enjoyed Bear Hunt! The point of the game was to find as many gummy bears as possible, in a bowl of pudding, using only your mouth (and spitting the "cleaned" bears into a separate bowl).
Cheyenne playing the egg yolk relay race. Each team had to see how many egg yolks they could get from a bowl to a cup without them breaking! It definitely turned into a mess!
Paige and her team searching for marbles with their feet. The pool is filled with a water/cornstarch mix which turns the kids a pastey/white color!
Cheyenne's turn with Bear Hunt!
Shelby wanted to give it a try as well!
She got in on the cornstarch marble game earlier too (can you tell by her skin?).
She didn't get too messy!
Paige playing the egg yolk game.
Trying to get an egg yolk out of the bowl!
Paige sat down for a game of duck duck goose EGG. It's just like regular duck duck goose, only whoever is it cracks an egg on the head of the kid they pick!
Shelby posing for a picture.
Oh this girl! She got into the messy games and got as dirty as she possibly could!
All my girls at the end of the evening!
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